frozen eggs are available
I like to explore and learn new skills, stay active physically. Studying psychology. Calm on the outside, emotional on the inside
Height, cm: 169
Weight, kg: 57
Blood type and Rh factor: B (III) Rh+
Ethinicity: russian
Religion: christianity
Character traits: I am active, sensitive, emotional
Eye color: brown
Eye shape: european
Nose: straight
Forehead: normal (straight)
Face: oval
Freckles/moles: no
Hair type: straight
Hair color: chestnut-haired
Grey hair: a couple (2-4)
Constitution: mesomorphic (normal constitution)
Right-handed or left-handed: right-handed
Marital status: married
Career field: nail artist
Education: higher
Languages: russian
Favorite sport: fitness, stretching
Play musical instruments: yes
Hobbies, interests: music, sports, nail art and design
Why did I become a donor?
I think that the most important person in everyone’s life is his mother. Unfortunately, not every woman can become one. A lot of women put great efforts into having a child of their own and experience joys of motherhood. I have decided to become a donor so any woman who wants to have a child would have a chance to do that.

Favorite food: healthy foods – pulses, vegetables, seafood
Favorite color: purple, fuchsia
Favorite season: summer
Favorite holiday: New Year’s Eve
Favorite book: “Notre-Dame de Paris” by Victor Hugo
Favorite music genre: pop Music, trans, classical music
Favorite film: “Hunger Games”
Pets: 3 cats
Information about children
Children: 1
Sex: girl
Hearing/vision problems: no
Mental health problems/autism: no
ADHD/hyperactivity: no
Medical and genetic information
Have you or your blood relatives ever been diagnosed with any of the following diseases?