Height, cm: 163 Weight, kg: 74 Blood type and Rh factor: A (II) Rh+ Ethinicity: caucasian Religion: christianity Character traits: emotional, focused, persistent, well mannered
Eye color: blue-green Eye shape: european Nose: humped Forehead: normal (straight) Face: round Freckles/moles: yes
Hair type: wavy Hair color: chestnut-haired Grey hair: first grey hair appeared at 24 years of age Constitution: mesomorphic (normal constitution) Right-handed or left-handed: right-handed
Marital status: married Career field: education Education: higher Languages: russian
Favorite sport: running Play musical instruments: no Hobbies, interests: sports, going for walks, cross stitching, painting
Why did I become a donor?
Every person has met certain difficulties on his life path. For me one of the saddest things is when a woman can’t have a child. Every woman deserves to be a mother, feel how her body changes during pregnancy, have this wonderful surge of feelings when the child is born and that extraordinary connection with her child. Every man deserves to see a woman he loves carrying his child, care for his family and protect them. The family should grow together and it is possible when there are children around. Thanks to modern day technologies every woman can now hope to have a child they’ve longed for. I have this opportunity to help them, and am doing it with love!
Favorite food: asian and Italian cuisine Favorite color: green Favorite season: summer Favorite holiday: New Year’s Eve, Mothers Day
Favorite book: “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte Favorite music genre: like all kinds of music Favorite film: “The Green Book”, “Shawshank Redemption”, “Titanic”, “Home alone”, “The Holiday” Pets: a hampster
Information about children
Children: 1 Sex: girl Hearing/vision problems: no Mental health problems/autism: no ADHD/hyperactivity: no
Medical and genetic information
Please assess your dental health by 5-grade scale; 4 of 5
Have you ever worn braces?; No
Do you smoke?; No
Do you drink alcohol? How often?; Rarely
Do you have allergies? If you do, please, specify; No
Do you take prohibited substances?; No
Have you ever had blood transfusion?; No
Have you ever been hospitalized?; No
Does your family history have twins or triplets?; No
Do you have Ashkenazi Jews as your ancestors?; No
Do you have chronic diseases? If you do, please, specify; No
Do you take any medications? If you do, please, specify; No
Have you or your blood relatives ever been diagnosed with any of the following diseases?
Diseases;Donor;Father;Mother;Brothers;Sisters;Grandfather / On father's side;Grandfather / On mother's side;Grandmother / On father's side;Grandmother / On mother's side